Tales of a novice gardener in Norwood, London

Friday, March 17, 2006

Signs of life

At last, there are signs of life in the tomato propogator. Two of my Gardener's Delight seedlings have germinated and hopefully the rest are on their way. I've been checking them every day since sewing and am excited that things are finally starting to happen.
The weather outside is, of course, shocking. Flurries of snow when I left for work this morning and no sign of any sun. When is it going to pick up? I just hope we get a great spring and summer when it finally does arrive.
Tomorrow, I will be trying to finish off my flower beds, which means more compost from the garden centre. I should be planting my potatoes today as it's St. Patrick's Day but with the threat of frost still around it looks like I'll be holding off a while longer. I may try a few of the earlies out in pots in my new mini-greenhouse and see how they get on.


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