Tales of a novice gardener in Norwood, London

Friday, March 24, 2006

Jobs for weekend of 25/26th March

With the weather finally sorting itself out, I thought I'd try and get a few more jobs done this weekend. First off will be to spread the rest of the compost I bought last weekend on the borders and rake over the beds ready for planting (need to buy a rake for that, so off to the garden centre again - other half will be cursing me).

I thought I'd try sewing a bit of lettuce and spinach to see how it fairs in my new plastic greenhouse. I need to weigh this down though first as it blew over last weekend - don't want all my plants ruined! May also sew a few herbs on the windowsill and then sew the rest next month.

Also, I'm going to bite the bullet and get some spuds in. The Duke of Yorks will be planted in old compost bags this weekend as I'm saving the raised bed for the later varieties.

As regards my toms and peppers, the majority of my tomato seeds have germinated now; just waiting for the last few Brandywines. Still only got one Sweet Nardello seedling showing signs of wanting to come into the world and that's not up properly yet. Apparently they take a few weeks to germinate though so I'm not concerned.


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