Tales of a novice gardener in Norwood, London

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Taking shape

Things are really starting to take shape in the garden. My potatoes are going mad. I made a hole in one of the sacks and had a poke around. I could feel a potato or two and dislodged one but was worried as I think it was attached to some stalks and I got worried I might stop other potatoes spawning. I think I may be jumping the gun a bit anyway as you are supposed to leave it fourteen weeks between planting earlies and harvesting and it's only been seven. Feels to much longer, but I guess I'll need to keep my hands off until the first weekend in July. I'm thinking I may be picking them by the 2nd so I'm counting down the days.

On the tomato front, I went to Homebase and bought about 10 green plastic 12" pots for £1.99 each. They seem pretty good value and I've made a start potting on my toms into their final place. Unfortunately, only done two as yet as I've run out of compost again, but it's not a big deal as once I've done them they have to stay outside anyway as they are two big for the greenhouse. I've started to harden off five Gardener's Delight plants. I put all my tomato plants (about 20 of the things) outside yesterday and some wilted a bit and others seemed fine. I kept the five strongest out overnight and put the others back in the greenhouse. The five looked okay this morning so they can stay out. I'll try some more next weekend and see how they get on. The two I potted on, I've put canes in with so I can grow them as cordon toms. If I am successful with all the plants, we could be eating them forever more.

I've hardened off three courgette plants and they are doing well with new shoots coming on. I think that will be ample and I'm looking at buying that book from Amazon - What Will I Do With All Those Courgettes?
as I don't really know what I will do with them all.

Planted lots more peas, dwarf French beans and nasturtiums in the back border and at the front of the house. Thought I might as well get them in anywhere there is empty space. Also, sewed some nigella and aubrietia out the front to fill in the gaps created from Christine's weeding the other week!

Earthed up the tatties, which took another two bags of compost leaving nothing for repotting tomatoes but oh well - am looking on the Grapevine forum to see what the options are for re-using this compost next year for other veggies. Otherwise, don't know how I will get rid of the bloody stuff. Talking of compost, I've been trying to win the war against the fruit flies this weekend. The damned things have taken over the compost bin - they are just loving all the veggie scraps. I bought some organic bug killer from the garden centre but don't know if it's any good yet. It doesn't smell of anything and claims to contain natural ingredients although it doesn't list what these ingredients are. I'm a bit suspicious but thought I'd give it a go anyway. I heaped some garden cutting on top of the veg scraps and have turned the pile over with a fork and then sprayed like hell. I left the top off for a bit and added some compost accelerator and they seem to have gone away more-or-less. However, we'll see if they return in a day or two.

In the legumes bed, the peas and beans are coming up a treat. They are all about an inch or two high now so hoping to start training them up the canes in a few weeks. In the next bed my squash has made an appearance and I sewed another in a large 12" tub yesterday. Apparently, they will grow fine in tubs as long as the tub is at least 12". I absolutely love squash with a passion so am looking at buying some more unusual varieties and sewing some more.

I am taking part in the Seed Swap on the Creative Living forum and last week the seeds arrived on my doormat. I took out some beetroot, acorn squash and gourds, which have all been sewn this weekend. Put in some leek and radishes, which I can't stand but I'm sure others will love.

I've now sewn most of my seeds so other than sewing more lettuce, spinach and carrots as the season progresses, I will be concentrating on repotting and hardening off my tomatoes and stopping pesties from attaching my produce. Can't wait to start harvesting but it's going to be another month or so before there's anything ready to pick...


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