Tales of a novice gardener in Norwood, London

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Plants I already have

I thought it was about time I catalogued the plants I already have in my garden. These are plants that were either here when we moved in (November 2004) or that I bought last year. I've divided them up by border.

Back border


Clematis Avalanche Blaaval (2005) - I bought this because it's an evergreen so it still looks pretty in winter; it has small intricately shaped leaves and a beautiful white flower, which is due to bloom at any time

Clematis Niobe (2005) - very pretty purple flowers but I nearly killed it last year so have cut it back and it has new buds on it. It is now very small so may not flower this year but at least I've saved it.

Campsis Grandiflora (2005) - got this from RHS Wisley; saw it growing up the side of the house there and fell in love with it

Parthenocissus Quinquefolia (Virginia Creeper, 2005) - bought this to grow up a shady fence but I haven't got round to putting a trellis up for it so it's against the back fence still. I'm going to get it going properly this year.


Iris (mixed) (2006) - these have already flowered

Tulip (Red Riding Hood) (2006) - leaves are up and the tulips are ready to flower as soon as the weather improves

Anemone (St. Brigid) (2006) - has some buds on it so is about to flower

Hanging basket:

Ivy (unidentified variety) (2005)

Top Patio


Skimmia (Japonica Rubella) (2005) - in flower at the moment and smells amazing

Passiflora Caerulea - Costance Elliot (Passion Flower) (2005) - apparently I should have overwintered this with fleece or indoors but I didn't know that at the time. However, it's still alive so will probably be all right.

Calamondin (Orange Tree) (2005) - may try putting this in the greenhouse this year

Araucaria Araucana (Monkey Puzzle) (2005) - only a tiny thing

Front borders


Rose (pink, don't know variety) (already here when I moved in)

Iris (mixed) (2006) - already flowered as above

Tulip (Red Riding Hood) (2006) - waiting to flower as above


Hebe (Variegated) (already here) - it's taking over the place so I'm going to hack it back this year

Anemone (St. Brigid) (2006)

Weigela (Japonica Kosteriana Variegata) (already here) - not in good nick but will give some tlc this year

Fig (2005) - bought last year but ill-treated. It's died back but may come again this year.

I also have a number of unidentified plants. I'm going to take some photographs of these and try to find out what they are.

Also, planning to take some digital photos of my garden tonight and post the images on my blog.


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