Tales of a novice gardener in Norwood, London

Friday, March 24, 2006

April jobs

This is the job list so far for April. Lots to do as the weather has meant a late start.

  1. Fork and feed - Add pelleted chicken manure and organic compost to borders. Give plants in pots a good liquid feed. Dig and fork over borders and finish with a mulch of leaf mould or bark. DONE
  2. Sew sweet peas DONE
  3. Plant up strawberries according to pot method in the post I made below. DONE - DIDN'T USE POT METHOD JUST BOUGHT SOME IN A STRAWBERRY POT THAT WERE ON SPECIAL OFFER
  4. Sew parsnips about 1/2 inch deep in rows 1 ft apart. mark row as they take about three weeks to germinate. DONE
  5. Sew rest of tomatoes DONE
  7. Sew more herbs, lettue and spinach
  8. Sew cabbage - one or two seeds ina pot or rootrainer filled with moist compost. Barely cover with compost or vermiculite. DONE
  9. Sew broccoli DONE FIRST SEWING
  10. Sew peas by sprinkling along bottom of a 2 inch deep by 6 inch wide drill. Rake soil back over them and firm with back of rake head.
  11. Plant rest of potatoes

I will probably add to this list in the next week or two and will be ticking these off as I get them done.


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