Tales of a novice gardener in Norwood, London

Monday, March 27, 2006

All in a weekend's work

Monday lunchtime and I have a splitting headache. Don't know if I'll make it through the rest of the afternoon at work. Wish I could be chilling out in the garden instead.

Got heaps done this weekend. Started off at 9am on Saturday morning putting the last of the compost onto the flower beds. Fortunately, I had enough so no more trips to the garden centre to lug bag several bags of the stuff. It was so exciting to see it all ready for planting. Dug in some pelleted chicken manure so hopefully it'll be great for growing my new plants. First plant in was the Hellebore Niger that Christine was given for her birthday by Rory and Claire last week. It looked pretty lonely there on its own, cue trip to garden centre yesterday.

Other jobs done on Saturday were planting my Duke of York spuds in old compost bags (3 bags each with 3 tubers in). I've still got a load of tubers left so need to do some more when I get chance. I also sewed some lettuce and spinach, which I've put into the greenhouse. Sewed some herbs (rosemary, thyme, basil and dill) and put on the window ledge in a propogator.

Yesterday, I bought more seeds and plants. There were loads of people in the garden centre for Mother's Day! Lots of lovely spring plants to choose from too with some good offers on. Here's a list of all the plants I've bought:

Campagnula - Persicifolia Alba
Heather - Calluna vulgaris Spring Torch
Heather - Calluna vulgaris Orange Queen
Heather - Calluna vulgaris Hammondii Aureifilia
Heather - Calluna vulgaris Wickwar Flame
Veronica - Georgia Blue
Bellis - Rusher Red
Crocosmia - Meteore
Lupin - Gallery Red
Vinca Minor - Atropurpurea

Can't remember all the seeds I bought but they included climbing nasturtiums, sweet peas (two varieties), blue poppy and catmint (for the kitties). I've sewed the blue poppy and put in the greenhouse. Apparently, they quite like cold weather and even don't mind frost but can be quite a handful in other ways. I'll see how it goes anyway.

I decided to sew the rest of my Gardener's Delight tomatoes anyway so they have now joined the other toms and peppers on the window sill.

I've now got lots of seeds and plants to watch and see how they fare. Have also made a list of jobs to do next weekend so I can get more of my veg going. Am now skint after yet another trip to the garden centre but still considering splurging on the RHS Encyclopaedia of Plants and Flowers, which Amazon have on offer for under £20! I have the RHS Fruit and Veg book, which is great but apart from an old Gardening Year book, I don't really have a comprehensive guide to non-edible plants.


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